
We camped at this lovely campground on the way to Seward.  Fished the lake without success but it was a beautiful spot.

Water-front camping in Seward.  Close to town and to each other but it’s quite a scene.  There are families sitting by the campfires and a walking path in front of us.  And the Alaskans were very friendly.  We loved this place.

Here’s a view of the campground from the water.  Lots and lots of rvs.

Small boat harbor within walking distance of our campsite.

A cruise ship was in town.


We took an all day wildlife and glacier boat tour.  The sights were fantastic.


Stellar sea lions



Fishing for sockeye salmon with tourists and the locals.  The locals were better at it than us.  Surprise, surprise.

He got one!  If you look closely, you will notice that the hook is not in the fishes mouth but in his back!  This type of fishing is called snagging.  The salmon are swimming up river where they were born, to spawn.  They are not hungry.  So you use a large hook and use a technique that actually snags the fish.  Seems like a crazy way to fish but it works!

On to the next adventure tomorrow!

On to Homer

We left Anchorage and headed towards Homer on the Kenai Penninsula.  The Kenai had been having lots of rain and more was predicted but what we’ve encountered hasn’t been bad.  As usual, the scenery is beautiful, although sun makes for more beautiful pictures.

We went on a King salmon fishing trip with a guide on the Kasilof River.  For a lot of reasons, the salmon numbers in the river were way down.  Between the four of us, we caught one.  We don’t even want to think about the price per pound we paid for it.  But it was delicious with color you don’t find in store-bought salmon.

Back on the road.  This is the first moose I could actually get a picture of.

And we see lots of bald eagles.

The view from our campsites on the Homer Spit.

The split is very touristy but fun to visit inspite of that.

A boat graveyard.


Street musicians.  They were pretty good.  Especially enjoyed the bass player who was playing with an oar.

The Salty Dog Saloon.  The place is covered with dollar bills that people have left with their names on them.

Tomorrow, we are on to Seward.

We Made It!

We made it to Alaska!  It took about 6 1/2 long days of driving from Seattle but we did it!  I finally get to put my Alaska sticker on the trailer.

Random road pics from Whitehorse to Tok, Alaska.

We came across this mama Grizzly and her three cubs walking close to the road.

This cub had finally had enough and just plopped down on the road.  I guess bear cubs can sometimes be like toddlers.  It was an awesome sight!

For some reason, homemade cinnamon rolls are very popular on the Alaska Highway.  Everyone on social media has their opinion on whose are the best. We are determined to be the judge of that.  Ruined dinner two days in a row by stopping at 3:30 in the afternoon for rolls and coffee.

More pics from the road.

And more repairs to be made.  One of our trailer brakes locked up as we were pulling out from a rest stop and in the short time until we could stop it wore a good part of the rubber off about an 8” section on the tire as it was dragged across the pavement.  That tire is now our spare.

Random pics from the road from Tok to Anchorage. It was a beautiful drive.

I love this picture with the church steeple in the foreground.

Those L-shaped poles are for the snow plows.  I can’t believe how tall they are.

A glacier. This one is about 26 miles long!

We are spending the night in a Cabelas (same as Bass Pro Shop) parking lot before heading to the Kenai Penninsula tomorrow.  Free is good.  Who knew?  There is a Target right next door.  After 2 1/2 months of togetherness, a girl needs some alone time in Target, right?


On the Road!

Since leaving Seattle on Saturday, we’ve been on a mad dash towards Alaska. This part of the trip is about enjoying the scenery. There’s not a whole lot to stop and do, just miles and miles of scenic highway. The last three days we’ve mostly been without cell service so I finally have a chance to do a post which, of course, is a bit longer than I like to usually do. But the scenery has been so beautiful that it’s hard to edit and choose the most beautiful pics. Please excuse the length.

A few random pics from the drive.

The town of Chetwynd is known for its chainsaw art.  They are everywhere throughout the town but I liked these.  A guitar player and one that I know our grandsons would appreciate.  It’s hard to believe that these were made with a chainsaw. Boys, don’t try this at home.

Us at the beginning of the Alaska Highway!

More random road pics.

View from our campsite at Summit Lake.

We saw these dormitory style buildings along the way.  These are for the many workers along the highway, many from energy companies who operate there and also for the many road crews along the highway.  It made me think about what a sacrifice these men are making to support their families.  God bless them.

And we saw wildlife.

This is a Stone sheep.

We watched this guy, along with his companions, come down a very steep hill on to the road, bringing down rocks and dirt with them.  It was a sight.

And bison.  Bison think they own the road.

And hanging out with their babies.

And lots of black bears.

More road pics.

Muncho Lake.

Laird Hotsprings Campground.  Time for “repairs”.  Not sure if duct tape counts.  A rock shattered the window of the Belleville’s trailer.  Typical for the Alaska Highway.

Good times in the campground hot springs.  You just pick the place in the river that suits your heat tolerance.  It was awesome!

Then on to the Sign Forest in Watson Lake, BC.  The first sign was put up in 1942 and now there are well over 85,000 signs.  Pictures don’t do it justice. Of course, we came prepared!

And tonight we are staying in the Walmart parking lot in Whitehorse, Yukon.  It is quite a scene!

But can’t complain about free parking and this view from inside our trailer!

That’s it for now.  Probably looking at a few more days of no cell service.  By the time I post again, it will be from Alaska!











































Alaska Cruising

Before driving to Alaska, we took a cruise out of Seattle which allowed us to see some sites that we wouldn’t be able to see on our road trip. Traveling with great long-time friends.

Beautiful view of Seattle from our balcony

Watching the seaplanes take off in Juneau from our balcony.

It was a cool, damp day but it didn’t keep us from enjoying the Mendenhall Glacier and Nugget Falls.

If we could have picked only one day to have mostly sunshine it would have been the day we cruised Glacier Bay.  Turns out it was the only day we had mostly sunshine.



And then on to Sitka.  The Kostkas led us on a hike along the Indian River that they had done before.  I think we hiked around 9 miles!  It was beautiful. And even though it was another cool, damp day, we had so much fun.

Pondering the meaning of life?

Standing on a log bridge over the river.

And then on to Ketchikan on a cool, damp day.  We weren’t there for very long so we just walked around the town for a few hours.

That’s a fish ladder.  It helps the salmon to swim upstream.

Our last stop was Victoria, British Columbia.  It was a nighttime visit and, since it was raining, we just stayed on the ship.

All in all, we had a fabulous time in beautiful places with our fun traveling companions. Now on to Alaska. We crossed the Canadian border this afternoon to start our next adventure