We are in Austin, y’all

After a long uneventful drive through Texas, we arrived in Austin to spend a few days sightseeing with our old friend, Kim Kostka. Of course, meaning that we’ve been friends for a LONG time, not that she’s old.

There are interesting murals painted on walls and buildings all over the city.
Beautiful view entering downtown.
When you are in Austin, eating Queso is a must. And it’s nothing like the Queso you might find in California.
A trip to Austin would not be complete without a visit to the Broken Spoke. Many famous country music stars have performed here. The only music we heard was from the juke box.
Another must when in Austin is eating Texas bbq. This is at Salt Lick in Driftwood.
Kim said we had to go to Cosmic Coffee and Beer Garden. Amazing food truck fare and great vibe.
One day we took a little hike to a place called Jacob’s Well. It’s an artisan well that goes down over 300’. They’ve never been able to measure all the way to the bottom. During the summer this place is crowded with swimmers.
Another view of the river by the well.
Next visit was to the town of Gruene. Gruene Hall was built in 1878 and has continually hosted live music events since then.
Another beautiful old building.
Man by the men’s room.
We went for a lovely drive along the Blanco River in the town of Wimberley. Kim had just happened upon this drive on a previous visit and said we had to go there. It did not disappoint!

We did have an interesting thing happen to us as we were driving to meet Kim for our last day of adventure with her. We stopped at a gas station and John and I were standing out by the pumps. A guy approached us and asked John if he played guitar. Yes. Then he asked if he had played at open mic at Java Joes in Yorba Linda! Turns out Sam was a friend of Chuck, the owner of Java Joes, and had been there many times and saw John play. Then we remembered who he was. What a small world!

We will miss the fabulous food and unique vibe in Austin but it’s time to move on. We are leaving today and on to the next adventure. See y’all next time.

15 thoughts on “We are in Austin, y’all

  1. Your pictures are beautiful! What a nice reminder of our time together. I think my two favorites were Gruene and Fredricksberg. Looking forward to you guys coming back and seeing the other million things to do in and around Austin!

  2. Thanks for the pictures, Diane. Always fun to see the area where Kim lives. Hope she gets tired of it at some point and wants to come back to CA.

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