North Cascades National Park

A while ago a friend asked  on Facebook for people to say what their favorite National Park was. I didn’t respond because I couldn’t decide. How can you decide between Yosemite and Everglades?  Or any number of other parks. But I would say that North Cascades is right up there near the top. And we didn’t get to see all of it because of the road closure.

Trip from Marysville to North Cascades:

Stopped at a swap meet.  Bought a spoon and two DVD’s.

There weren’t many campgrounds open.  This one had six spots.  Total. And it was FREE!

There were many waterfalls along the way  the color of the water is green and cloudy because much of the water is from glaciers  it was so beautiful!


Here’s the road closure that made us do some zig zagging. Too much snow and potential for avalanches.

Remember the story about not being able to go to Palouse Falls because a boy had ignored the signs and went past the fencing falling to his death?  Well the picture doesn’t really do it justice but there was a shear drop off behind this fence. 100’s of feet down.  This fence was chest high. These girls, with the help of a friend, sat on the top of the fence for a picture. And then they went behind the fence.  No words.

Ladder Creek Falls.

Ladder Creek Falls is at a hydroelectric power house and at night they light up the falls.  We actually stayed up late enough to drive six miles from our campsite to see it.  We were the only ones there.  We had to walk across a suspension bridge across the river in the dark to get to the falls.  Yikes! But it was worth it!

13 thoughts on “North Cascades National Park

  1. OMGosh, Diane… these pics are GORGEOUS!! I wanna go! And that campsite was FREE?!?! John and I are considering a road trip in the fall and this just may have to be on our route!

  2. Wow, this is amazing. I bet I know who asked about your favorite National Park. haha. Four out of five of my classes are presenting on National Parks this week. Makes it fun to hear about all of these beautiful parks.I know you are writing so well about each place you are visiting. I hope you are writing your thoughts and feelings down as well (in a journal if you don’t want to share). Love reading your posts.

  3. Beautiful! I’ve only been on the North Cascades Hwy once. It didn’t open until after I moved from WA. It is a beautiful place. Love your pictures!

  4. are you having a good trip? is that hot lava?

    i got to eat dinner and lunch on a camping trip with my dad.

    i like your trailer.

      • Maverick, we are having a great trip but we miss you soooo much! We are so happy you got to go on the father and son camp out! And glad you got to eat while you were there. That picture does look like hot lava but it is water with a red light on it. I’m glad t wasn’t hot lava. We miss you so much. If I was there I would try to kiss you. But then you would run away.

  5. Beautiful! I’ll be at a convention in Seattle in July. Staying 3 days after to spend time with Nora… She will come get me from Seattle and end up back at her house outside Portland. I’m seeing your pics and thinking about what we can do wandering around WA for a couple days. I’d thought Leavenworth, but find she and hubby are going to be there for 4 days just the week before I go (something they’ve thought about for a while, but will be their first trip up there too), so watching for other beautiful spots you’re seeing that we might have time to visit. Really pretty area (that’s what you get when God gives so much rain!!), so lots of choices. Thanks for the inspiration! Glad you’re getting to see so many sites first hand.

    • Hi just jumping in to suggest that you take the Cascade Loup that goes over the North Cascade Pass on Hwy20 , down the Columbia River on Hwy97 to Wenatchee; then turns back west to travel over Stevens Pass Hwy 2 through Leavenworth to return to I-5 and the Seattle/Everett area. I would suggest spending one night in the old-west town of Winthrop (where I live) and a second night in Leavenworth. It’s one of the best scenic tours in WA State!!! 🙂 Here’s a link to the official map: (They take you on to Whidbey and Orcas Island also.)

  6. Glad you were able to enjoy the west side of the North Cascade Highway, but I’m sorry to tell you you missed the very best part…Washington Pass with a “knock your socks off” view! (Believe me, it rivals Banff and Jasper!!!) The Pass just opened on May 14th, so if you have the chance on your return trip it’s worth the drive! (It will be open until it’s closed due to snow and ice…usually in November. And, thank you for sharing your pictures and adventures with all of us! We’re leaving on our Alaska Adventure later this week! Happy Travels!!!

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