Fort Clinch State Park

We’ve spent the last few days in Fort Clinch State Park on the Florida-Georgia line. It may be our last stay in Florida but it is no less beautiful than the rest of Florida.
Took a ferry to get to Amelia Island where the state park is located:
A beautiful campsite:
When you camp under a canopy of trees and you find one little clear spot to connect your satellite, you share that spot whith your neighbor across the road. He even was able to lock his satellite to our bumper:
Fort Clinch:image
Darling town of Fernandina Beach is close by:
Driving through a beautiful old cemetery. Some of the dates were back to Civil War times:
Watching the sunsets in the campground from hammocks provided by the state park:

Went on a beautiful hike today in the state park:
A tree with pink fungus:image
Alligators this far north? I don’t think so.



4 thoughts on “Fort Clinch State Park

  1. Diane, I’m curious to know and may have missed a previous blog entry describing such, but how are you guys finding all these wonderful campsites along the way? Did you make resies way in advance or are you simply rolling up to a campground and taking what’s available. We plan to do something similar to your extended trip and I’ve heard getting a campsite in Florida, especially in the Keys is hard to do this time of year.

    • Check out two posts back about technology. But to answer your question, we only make reservations no more than two weeks out and sometimes less. Florida is difficult at this time of year but we’ve always found something. And we’ve loved most of the places we’ve stayed at. We prefer state parks (which almost all have hookups). But do independent rv parks also. And we’ve stayed at some nice city and county parks. As per the technology post, I mostly use the Allstays app. Florida uses reserveamerica for their reservations. Floridians are making their reservations 11 months ahead. But I’ve always been able to find cancellations. Many rv parks are booked although we were able to get in to two different rv parks in the keys by calling about 3 weeks before. But only because our 1685 is small and they only had small spots left! Although it’s a hassle, it’s been worth it!

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