Back to the Ocean

Our last morning, staying near Waco:

Brrrr! We need to go south.

We are camping at Quintana Beach County Park for a few days. Cheap, steps from the Gulf of Mexico, warmer temps, and laundry facilities!

Our first glimpse of salt water.
The view from our campsite. We are next to the Brazos Harbor which has lots of cargo ships going in and out.
This is in our campground. He’s never seen a cannon he didn’t love.
Beautiful beach. But whose idea was it to place those ugly trash cans in FRONT of the palapas?
Sign coming into the campground. Glad we are not here during summer.

There’s a long jetty next to the campground between the gulf and the river with lots of interesting sights.

Notice the dolphin swimming alongside this cargo ship.
Rving is all fun and games until something breaks. He needs a “board meeting” with Mike Belleville.

On to Galveston Bay tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Back to the Ocean

  1. Wow! Great photos, great adventures! Sooo appreciate your sharing. If I were there, I would be under the sink fixing things for you guys. Getting ready to finally retire this summer and being part of your journeys is helping us get prepared for ours. Enjoy the warmer weather!

  2. Diane and John, I love these beautiful pictures. The bird is so gorgeous. We love birds and always take our binoculars whenever we go to the coast. I’m so glad you can travel and experience America. It is so wonderful and we are blessed! Enjoy. ♥

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