Beautiful Northern California

its been almost 40 years since we’ve visited this part of California. That was when Travis was a baby and he slept all day and cried all night. I think we were too traumatized to come back.

Here are some pics from Avenue of the Giants in Humboldt Redwoods State Park:

Two and a half mile to Drury/Chaney Grove. Highly recommend this if you are driving Avenue of the Giants:

Trinidad, Ca:

We are hunkered down in an RV park for the next few days due to a storm that’s coming through. We may be doing more book reading and movie watching rather than hiking and site-seeing. I guess we better get used to this since we are headed to Oregon and Washington.

14 thoughts on “Beautiful Northern California

  1. Oh man! It’s all so gorgeous! Missed you on our walks this week but know you’re having a great time.

  2. We love Northern Ca too, especially the Redwoods & Jedediah Smith state/national park. We also had one of those cozy, rainy, movie-watching days yesterday here in the Outer Banks of N Carolina.

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