And Then Stuff Happens

Woke up one morning to this.  Thankfully, we were in a campground and not on a highway with nowhere to pull over.


After putting on the spare we get ready to leave the campground.  And then this.  Turns out someone forgot to disconnect electrical from their tow vehicle and ended up draining tow vehicle battery overnight.  Rookie move.  Not saying who.

And then a few hours down the road, stopped at a gas station and one of the Belleville’s trailer tires is down to 20lbs.  It had what looked like the tips of a pair of scissors in it.

These guys are getting good at getting the spare out from under the trailer tongues. Again, so thankful they were able to change the tire in a gas station parking lot instead of on the side of the road.

So now between us we are driving with eight trailer tires and no spares!  And headed out on a road with very few services.  Not good.  So we find a campground to spend the night in and the guys have what they call a board meeting to decide what to do.

They drove in to a small town the next morning which was about 15 miles out of the way, praying that someone would have the tire we needed.  They were able to buy one new tire for us and fix Mike’s tire!  And then we were back on the road with two spare trailer tires between us. There are a lot worse things that can happen on the road up here but nonetheless, thankful for God’s provision.

9 thoughts on “And Then Stuff Happens

  1. You have two great guys to take care of you girls.
    Let the adventures continue. Say hi to John and Mike for me.

  2. So thankful that it all worked out!

    We regularly saw God’s provision and hand of protection as we traveled. One of the best parts of being on the road, in my opinion.

  3. Had a trailer tire blow on the way home from San Clemente last year. Hobbled to a nice big gas station. It took a moment to figure out the tongue tire arrangement with my tools on hand, but got er done. Peg walked Scout around the lot, then back on the road. Sidewall hole on a fairly new tire so I had to replace it. Found out later Grant had a flat around the same area that day.

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