Back to Alaska

After a whirlwind long weekend at home in So Cal, Cindy and I returned to the Land of the Midnight Sun!  Here we are with my daughters and her daughter in laws at the wedding.

The guys did good while we were gone. Lots of salmon in the freezer.

We celebrated the 4th on the 3rd, Alaska style, at a music filled festival.  They celebrate on the 3rd because they have to wait until midnight to shoot off fireworks. Even then it’s not completely dark.  We did not make it to see the fireworks.  Too late for us old folks.

Staying in Eagle River and drove outside of town to do a hike.  Saw this moose on the drive.  I was excited to see this one up so close.

Some beautiful views on our hike.

That’s bear poop on the trail. Yikes!

And on the way back to our campsite we saw this big guy.

Heading towards Denali tomorrow.


4 thoughts on “Back to Alaska

  1. Hi there. I’ve read all of your tales. What an awesome adventure for you. I loved reading about all the places you have been. Happy trails! Praying for you all. You are still a huge inspiration to me. Say hello to Mike & Cindy for me..

    • Good to hear from you, Laurene! Thanks for your kind words. We will probably be back in early September. I’d love to get together with you when I’m back.

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