Our next stop in Wisconsin was Door County, recommended by the Brushwylers. Loved it!
We stayed at Penninsula State Park:
Door County is know for growing cherries, apples, and grapes. And the cheese!!!! Grapes in the foreground, apples in the background:
Sister Bay. One of the attractions is a Swedish restaurant that has grass growing on the roof which the goats eat. Yes, real goats.
Ellison Bay:
And a few pics from Sheboygan where we are staying for a few days before heading to Chicago:
It is hard to believe that we have been traveling for almost 9 months and we will be home in just 2 more months! As we travel west we both are getting anxious to get home but each day when we set out to see new things, our zeal for the adventure returns. We are hoping to get through Minnesota and the Dakotas before the weather turns cold although we wouldn’t mind the excitement of a mild snow storm. If you’ve been following our map it is clear that we will only be hitting the eastern half of the country on this trip. But that is ok since we can hit the remaining states later from California. So for now, the journey continues!
Glad you enjoyed it. Nice pictures especially the water splashing up on the break water. I didn’t know there was that much action on Lake Michigan.
During the right conditions the locals actually surf at that spot!
What a fabulous adventure you’ve been on. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I agree with Carol! It’s been fun following along with you to so many beautiful places!
Big waves here also. Had a good size branch fall on the roof and slide out last no. Don’t think any real damage though. Safe travel to Roscoe.