
We aren’t spending too much time in Maine due to several factors. We had previously been to Acadia National Park and Bar Harbor (pronounced Bah Hahbah) so didn’t feel the need to go that far north. Secondly, it is very expensive to stay here. There aren’t any state parks along the coast with camping and almost all the rv parks are between $60 and $80 per night. I finally found one for $45/night but it’s less than desirable. Pics to follow. Finally, parking is ridiculous. More to follow on that. But the scenery is so beautiful.




Here’s our campground. There’s only one other person here who is traveling. The other 5 campers live here full time and their trailers look like they haven’t been moved in years. We also have our share of abandoned vehicles. But the old guy that owns it is so nice, we have full hookups, great wifi and very clean washers and dryers. Perfect!
Many of these pictures were taken either from a moving car or when John pulled off the road and I jumped out to snap a pic. Why?


Almost all of the parking anywhere near the coast was for residents only. We couldn’t even pay for parking. We did find one small lot outside of kennybunkport but when we pulled in it was so full that the only way to get out was to back all the way out. As we backed out, a cop drove in and gave us the major stink eye! When we were in DC I had commented to someone in the campground how kind and friendly people had been on our trip. That person told us not to expect that in New England. I didn’t believe it but they were right! No eye contact, not even friendly shop keepers. The parking situation is unbelievable. We don’t mind paying for parking but when it’s only available for residents….well we get the message.
Toes in the Atlantic. It was 92 degrees and humid!

3 thoughts on “Maine

  1. Amazing that Maine is so inhospitable to travelers and curmudgeonly about sharing their coastline, especially since they have so much of it! You did manage to take some lovely photos, though.

  2. I always wanted to go to Maine, I will have to re-think that. It is Beautiful –
    It humid here todaytoo but it is not 90 yet only 80 hahahahahah

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