We are off!

image imageIt will be fun to compare these “before” pics to the “after” ones!  (Yes, we know our car has a lot of miles on it but it’s a Land Cruiser!  And if we have car trouble along the way, we will just deal with it.)

19 thoughts on “We are off!

  1. Praying for safety, laughter and a hedge if protection around you both as you travel through God’s wonder! Enjoy His handiwork! Sending love from Houston! Justin & Amanda Smith

  2. Praying for safety, laughter and a hedge of protection around you both as you travel through God’s wonder! Enjoy His handiwork! Sending love from Houston! Justin & Amanda Smith

  3. Anglican Prayer
    “O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go: preserve those who travel; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey’s end; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.“

  4. Praying God meets you, protects you and shows you all his great wonders both seen and unseen. I’m with you in spirit and will live vicariously through your travels as you see this great country, land that I love

  5. Since you’re in a land CRUISER, I can say… Bon Voyage! Looking forward to vicariously seeing the interesting cubbie-holes you come across in this vast country.

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