Chicken, The Town

When traveling to Alaska, once you reach Whitehorse in the Yukon, there are only two roads to reach Alaska!  One is the Alaska Highway, which we traveled on our way to Alaska and the other is via the Top of the World Highway.  We took that going south.   It’s gravel, narrow and steep in some places but not near as bad as some people said it was.  There are steep drop offs with no guard rails but we were fine.

Part way up we stayed in Chicken.  It was a fabulous few days.  Chicken consists of three business.  That’s it.  We stayed in Chicken Gold Camp. It consists of an rv park, a cafe, a gift shop and an old gold dredge.

Across from our trailer site was the stage for the Chickenstock music festival   which happens in June.  Sorry we missed it.

Several nights a week, they make wood-fired pizza in the campground.  It was delicious.

That’s our trailers right over John’s shoulder just to show you how close we were to all the action.

An old gold dredge right on the property which we were able to tour.

The second business in town is called Downtown Chicken.  It consists of a cafe, a saloon and a gift store.

The walls and ceiling of the saloon were lined with baseball hats and underwear people had left there.  We left neither.

The man bench.

The Downtown Chicken has chickens.

And an Alaskan style outhouse with no door so you can enjoy the view while doing your business.

The third business is the Town of Chicken.  Not to be confused with Downtown Chicken.  It consists of an rv park, cafe, and gift shop.

This is the post office.  During the summer the population of Chicken is about 23.  During the winter it is 2.  The postmaster and his wife.  The town has no electricity so everyone is dependent on generators.

We even got to pan for gold in the campground.

And best of all, at the office where we checked in to camp, there was a sign that a guy who lives in the campground next to the stage, likes to get to get her with fellow pickers and play some music.  He and John played two evenings.  He loved being able to do that.

And then the road after Chicken.

Rough road.

And then to Top of the World.  Actually, it’s only 4,515 ft high.  But it was a beautiful view.

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