Dauphin Island, Alabama

We’ve spent a delightful few days on Dauphin Island.
Here are some pics of our campsite and the bird sanctuary next to it:

Today we went to church. I had a little homesickness meltdown during the service. It started last night when Tiffany texted us that the song, Ripple, came on and made her miss us. John used to play and sing that at bedtime when the kids were little. Sniffle, sniffle. Then in church, they had the little kids come sit in front while the pastor gave a short children’s sermon. That was it for me. Then the singing time made me miss Calvary so much, both the service and the people. But the sermon was great, the people were so nice and we were spiritually refreshed!
Here’s a few more pics of the island:


9 thoughts on “Dauphin Island, Alabama

    • Thanks, Jayne. So glad you are enjoying them. I’m also doing them for us as sort of a diary. It’s already hard to remember all the places we’ve been!

  1. We have friends that are in a rental home in the middle of the Peninsula, from wisconsin. They love it there. When you get to NE Wisconsin we can take you to their lake. It is larger than our lake and very pretty. Glad you are having a good time.

  2. Beautiful pictures! I never heard of this area. We’ve only driven through Alabama on our way to Florida. We hope to check this out next time through. Thanks again for sharing 🙂

  3. Beautiful places you are visiting! It’s fun to see your pictures. And about the meltdown– it’s a good thing. Reminds you just how special the people back home are Time for face time!

  4. Looks like such a pretty place. We’re really enjoying your blog and keeping up on your travels. So glad you made it to church!

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